At SMARTERS IPTV , we want you to be completely satisfied with your subscription. If you are not satisfied with our service, we offer a refund within 30 days of your initial subscription date.
To request a refund, please contact our support team at with your name and email address associated with your account.
To be eligible for a refund, you must meet the following criteria:
We will process your refund using the same method that you used to pay for your subscription. If you paid by credit card, we will issue a refund to the same credit card. If you paid by PayPal, we will issue a refund to the same PayPal account.
If you wish to cancel your subscription and are not eligible for a refund, you can do so by logging into your account and following the cancellation process. Your subscription will be cancelled at the end of your current billing period.
We may update this refund policy from time to time. We will notify you of any material changes by email or by posting a notice on our website.
If you have any questions or concerns about this refund policy, please contact us at